Sinon, l'album s'inscrit dans la tradition des folk/singer-songwriters tentés par le psychédélisme...
A la demande de John Braheny lui-même, je retire le lien vers l'album à télécharger. Il compte le rééditer bientôt.
I removed the link on John Braheny's request. He's currently working on a reissue.
17 commentaires:
Greetings! Just wanted to express my gratitude to you for this wonderful blog. You have immaculate taste in music, my friend, and your visitors are fortunate to be able to take advantage of this. Plus, it gives me a chance to dust off the french I took in highschool all those years ago;) Looking forward to trippier and stranger offerings...
thanks a lot Inca, your warm comments go straight to my heart ! It really feels good to share the music I like, and to know that people from around the world appreciate it. I'll try to keep up the good work! (and I don't mind translating difficult sentences if necessary ;-)
Monsieur starsailor: please indulge me and give this one a shot. If you have not heard this already, I am most confident that you will be pleasantly surprised...
hi incaroads, thanks for this one; I'm not sure I like it;-) but it's a pretty unusual record! reminds me in places of Buffy St Marie's "Illuminations"; I've listened to it 4 or 5 times, and I think I don't dig her voice actually...
thanks again, anyway, and hope to read you soon !
Yes, she does indeed have some Buffy-like vocal quirks. Not for everyone, I agree, but I find her odd delivery endearing...like Erica Pomerance or Lotti Golden, for example.
Thanks for the comment at my place and for letting me know about this album. I'm looking forward to listening . . . and to exploring your blog!
Starsailor, Thank you for your kind words about my song, "December Dream". My friend Alan O'Day told me he'd seen it on your blog. Thank you for not posting the audio. I've remastered the album ("Some Kind Of Change") and hope to re-release it. By the way, it was released in 1968. I'm not sure when Fred Neil's version of "December Dream" was recorded, but not long after that. Fred's and Ronstadt's versions were both produced by the late Nik Venet. The song is one of my favorites and changed my life.
I am the author of "The Craft And Business of Songwriting." More...www.johnbraheny.com.
hello John, I removed the download link to the album, as you asked me.
I don't know if you remember, but 4 years ago you kindly sent me a cdr of the album and I had promised not to share it on the web...but then I wrote several mails, asking when the official reissue would be available, and you never answered...so I thought you had abandoned the idea...sorry about that...
Hi, Starsailor. I cannot find this cd anywhere, and I'm really looking forward to hearing it. Since it seems likely that it won't be reissued now, due to the regretful death of Mr. Braheny, could you either think of posting it again or elsewhere sharing it with me via Dropbox, for example? I would be very grateful if you would accept on doing so. Kind regards, and many thanks in advance!
Hi, sorry to hear John has left :-(
here's a link to his (only ?) album:
Many thanks for the album, Starsailor, I'll be hearing it soon. Mr. Braheny died earlier this year; it's so sad. Here you have the news: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/john-braheny-obituary-187921631.html.
Have a great weekend!
Would it be possible to reupload this album? Just found your site. Looking forward to discovering more great music. Thanks.
hello, I no longer post links, but if you give me an email adress, I'll send you one !
Thanks Starsailor. My email is mhdelacy@gmail.
Bonjour Starsailor,
Merci pour ce site qui permet de faire de belles découvertes musicales.
Je serai très content d'avoir SVP le lien pour l'album de John Braheny "Some Kind of Change".
Voici mon adresse mail.
Merci par avance
I would love to hear this album but I can't find it anywhere. An email with the album would be extremely appreciated:
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