samedi 24 janvier 2009

Shawn PHILLIPS "Bright White", 1973 + "Do You Wonder", 1975

Suite à mon post consacré à Collaboration , voici 2 autres albums de ce génie méconnu. Les chefs-d'oeuvre sont derrière, mais les fulgurances sont encore légion...

Bright White

Do You Wonder

11 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

merci beaucoup! ubique

wkc a dit…

Thank you very much. I have been looking for shawn phillips lps for some time. Bright White is probably my favorite. So this is a special find. My vinyl has been long gone.

whiteray a dit…

Oh, man, thank you! I've loved Shawn Phillips since I was in college so long ago. "Do You Wonder" is one I was missing! Thanks again!

Anonyme a dit…

Thank You Thank You
Been looking for Bright White for 30 years.

Pietro a dit…

Dear Starsailor,

Unfortunately the links to Shawn Phillips albums are dead.
Could it be possible to repost one or better both albums? You would make me the happiest man on earth. These albums are so rare to find that I would be really grateful if you could do it. Thank you for the great job you're doing on your blog. Shine on.

Peace, Pietro

Starsailor a dit…

hi Pietro, here are new links:

Anonyme a dit…

i would be highly grateful to you if you would share these albums with me in a private way because any links doesn't work. thanks in advance shche.alina(at)

Anonyme a dit…

Hello,Starsailor :
I love Shawn Phillip`s music , specially from the 70´s and these two albums are the only I have never heard. Is it possible for you to make the links work again?
Thanks for spreading good real music around...
Enrique ( Spain )

Starsailor a dit…

hello Enrique, give me an email address and I'll send you the links.

Anonyme a dit…

Hello, Starsailor,this is Enrique , forgive me, did not see your answer until now...
My e-mail is
Thank you so much.

Anonyme a dit…

Hi -

Would it be possible to get links for these two Shawn Phillips albums (and for Rumplestiltskin's Resolve, if you still have that one)? Would be GREATLY APPRECIATED. THANKS IN ADVANCE!