Je cherche ces 2 albums de Scott Walker...
I'm searching for these 2 Scott Walker albums...
Ce site sera dédié principalement à la musique; j'espère contribuer à enrichir le réseau par quelques albums qui n'ont pas été réédités, ou qui sont indisponibles au moment de leur ajout.
11 commentaires:
ils ne sont jamais sorti sur cd. quelques chansons se trouvent sur "classics & collectibles". j'ai "tv-series", mais seulement sur vinyl. bonne chance! ubique
it's only 128 bitrate ....
Comme merci pour vorte musique!
thanks very much Nel !
his 70's albums are generally said to be MOR music with no great ineterest...well, one only has to listen to "Someone Who Cared" on "Stretch" (which,by the way, has one of the most ugly covers:-) which is one of the most heartbreaking songs I know, to change one's opinion...
I was excited to see a link for 'Any Day Now' here- a difficult LP to find. Unfortunately, it had one of those 'limited to ten' downloads from Rapidshare & they are all gone.
Why does anyone use that service? The life of the download is so ridiculously limited; surely there are others more open-ended. If you could renew it, I would be most appreciative. Thanks for the great blog.
here is a new link to "Any Day Now" :
I will soon post "Scott sings songs from his tv series", which I eventually bought on ebay.
The link seems incomplete or mistyped, too bad...
I checked, the link is valid.
Thank you! Don't know what happened, but now it works on my side. Can't wait to hear the TV stuff, one of the only thing I haven't retrieved except the 'We had it all' album. Among rarer stuff, I'm particulary fond of the Kusturica collaboration 'The man from Reno', and am waiting eagerly for the forthcoming duet on the next Bat for Lashes album.
thanks "anonymous", but this is a link to a 128 kbps rip which I already have...
I love his music.
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