dimanche 13 mai 2012

Ottilie PATTERSON, "3000 Years With Ottilie" (1969, Marmalade)

Le voilà ! J'ai fini par dénicher ce "holy grail" du label Marmalade (fondé par le producteur Giorgio Gomelsky). J'avais déjà posté sa réédition sur le label Polydor...Les 2 éditions sont censées proposer des versions différentes, mais à part un changement de tracklisting et de mixage (pas flagrant), c'est bien le même album (la coda de "Mrs Pankhurst" ayant été omise dans la réédition Polydor).
Par contre, pas moyen de trouver la moindre info sur les musiciens qui l'accompagnent...

30 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

puis-je avoir le lien ?

Anonyme a dit…

Superbe et recherché depuis longtemps.
Est t'il possible d'avoir un lien ?
Merci *

Tony a dit…

Thanks for sharing some tracks from this very rare LP.
How does the track listing differ from Spring Song?

Any chance of hearing another couple of tracks?


Starsailor a dit…

hi Tony, I really don't know why the track listing differs in the reissue (Spring Song)...I can send you link for the whole album if you provide an email address. Thanks.

Any middle-aged German Witch in Amerika a dit…

Hello, I only found your blog last night, linking from "Forgotten Songs" (another great blog).

2-3 years ago there was an outstanding blog featuring this genre, it was called "Female Vocals", and I have "combed" it while it was online.

I found great albums that we (my husband and I, both in our 40s, he American, I German) have never heard of before.

Now THIS ALBUM HERE would have fit right into the same gap, it is the same species, the same kind.

I would really like a link to hear more, and if you are interested, I can send you a list of the previously featured "Female Vocals" album of the now dead blogspot.


Tony a dit…

Thanks Starsailor,

I'd love a link...
you can reach me on


skylogic a dit…

Salut ! ... J'aimerai bien avoir le link. ... "The Bitterness of Death" sur cette disque c'est une de mes favorite musiques . ...

charlu a dit…

Une découverte pour moi, géant, disk sublime, belle époque..j'veux bien ..MERCIIII star

Chris a dit…

Hi buddy is it possible to post the following record: http://rateyourmusic.com/release/album/michael_lessac/sleep_faster__we_need_the_pillow/
I've been looking for it and it seems hard to find. I know that this is the kind of stuff you collect, so maybe you can help. Thanx so much for all the sharing. CH

Mat Schofield a dit…

Thanks for sharing this.Can I have a listen?

Louis a dit…

Merci pour ce fabuleux album,
pourrais-je me plonger dedans entièrement?


Any middle-aged German Witch in Amerika a dit…

Is anyone reading these comments?

I had already forgotten about my request from May for this album, now that new comments are coming in I was reminded.

I have not been contacted, let alone given a link - did anyone else here have a different experience?

Maybe this blog is already abandoned?

Anonyme a dit…

This is such a great blog/collection you'be put together!


Starsailor a dit…

merci à tous ceux qui m'ont écrit et demandé le lien, je ne vous ai pas oubliés ! J'ai dû faire face à de gros problèmes de connection suite à un déménagement...je vais vous répondre dans les prochains jours !

Sorry for the delay, the blog's not dead, I'll get in touch in a couple of days !

Starsailor a dit…

@ Chris: I don't own the Michael Lessac album.

Any middle-aged German Witch in Amerika a dit…

Hello, and thank you so much for the links. Now I see that they are in m4p format, and I have tried to convert them into mp3s on this website


They say they can concvert m4a (and other) files into mp3 (and other formats), but now I am getting this error message:

"Unfortunately, media.io doesn’t support the format of 01 Song of Solomon.m4a"

Why is that?
Anybody know?

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I am not so familiar with these new kinds of file formats. Our PC is from 2004 and came with an itunes player, and normally it does play files with a 4 in it, but not these files now.

For any advise I'd be very grateful! Thanks!

Anonyme a dit…

Génial !
Puis-je aussi avoir le lien ?
Tant que j'y suis: je cherche l'album de Omaha Sheriff 'Come Hell Or Waters High' (produit par T. Visconti en 1977). L'as-tu déjà entendu ?

Any middle-aged German Witch in Amerika a dit…

It seems I have forgotten to thank you for the mp3 link you have sent me a while ago, I am very embarrassed about this.

It is such a beautiful album, and I love it, and I really really thank you!

Merci beaucoup!

Starsailor a dit…

hey, that's very kind of you ! I'm glad you appreciate it !

Anonyme a dit…

I was working at the studio when this was recorded (Marquee) - at least I think it was this album - the year was 1969. Two tracks which were laid down, which I'd love to get hold of, were "Song of Solomon", and "Johnny comes marching home". Were these released on the "3000 years with Ottilie"?

Starsailor a dit…

hi, "Song of Solomon" is on this album but "Johnny comes marching home" is on a Chris Barber album (who was his husband) I think.

Todi60 a dit…

J'aimerais beaucoup obtenir le lien de téléchargement si c'est possible. Je cherche cet album depuis fors longtemps. Bravo pour le site! Et merci de toute façon...


Anonyme a dit…

Starsailor a dit: hi, "Song of Solomon" is on this album but "Johnny comes marching home" is on a Chris Barber album (who was his husband) I think.

Thanks. The "Johnny comes marching home" on the Chris barber album is not the same track. The Ottilie track was slow, and very sad. I was in tears in the studio when it was played back. I think it never made it to vinyl.

massimo_1951 a dit…

très curieux d'écouter ce disque; est-ce possible d'avoir un lien ?
merci en avance


Anonyme a dit…

Can you send me a link for the hole album?


Beardy Fella a dit…

Je n'ai jamais vu cet album, mais j'ai entendu (et j'aime bien) le chanson "Bitterness of death". J'aimerai écouter à l'album entier; puis-je avoir un lien?


Anonyme a dit…

Would like to hear the album too


Johnny Utah a dit…

Salut, c'est super giga, est-ce que tu l'as encore sous la main?


Norm a dit…

I would definitely appreciate a link as well, if you can please share it. THANKS!! norm1219@comcast.net

zuiop a dit…
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